Ladies elegant drop necklaces -Catholic Woven Keychain & Bag Tag

Style Yellow - St. Michael Archangel Green - St. JPII Navy - St. Therese Red - I Surrender Light Blue - Holy Spirit Green - JPII Life w/Christ Blue - St. Joan of Arc Purple - St. Clare of Assisi

Catholic Woven Keychain | Bag Charm 

These beautifully embroidered woven keychains are double-sided. On one side they have a quote and on the opposite side a delicately detailed embroidered design.  Great as a keychain or a fun bag charm! Size: 5"x 1.25" (without ring) 

Choose among 8 designs:

  1.  St. Michael the Archangel - Yellow
  2. "Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors to Christ" St. John Paul ii -  Green
  3. "When one loves one does not calculate" St. Therese de Liseux - Navy
  4.  Jesus I surrender myself to you, take care of everything. - Red
  5.  Holy Spirit Come "Veni Sancte Spiritus" - Lt Blue
  6. "Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure." St John Paul ii - Green
  7. "I am not afraid. I was made for this." St. Joan of Arc - Blue
  8. "Go forth without fear." St. Clare of Assisi -Purple